Bradford-Halifax Greenway

The Bradford-Halifax Greenway would link communities either side of the ridge which separates Bradford District and Calderdale. It is supported by the two local Councils, Sustrans, the Great Northern Railway Trail Development Group and the Queensbury Tunnel Society.

Campaigners believe the route - incorporating a 1.4-mile long disused railway tunnel - would become a magnet for tourists as a landmark addition to the country’s cycle network and offer the potential for commuting trips.

In order to address health and environmental challenges, both Councils recognise the need to promote a shift to sustainable forms of transport, driven by the provision of safe, high-quality cycling infrastructure.

Although the Greenway would cost an estimated £16 million to construct, it would deliver a high-value Benefit:Cost Ratio of 2.31:1 when expected tourism benefits are included.

This video was produced by the Queensbury Tunnel Society in support of an 'advocacy document' developed by Bradford Council for funding applications.


Music: Modern Man by A J Music
Licensed from Jamendo


Minister blames landowner for tunnel difficulties

Sunday 08 September 2024