
National Highways has submitted plans to Bradford Council for the abandonment of Queensbury Tunnel. The reference number is 19/02242/MAF and details are available via the Council's planning portal . The work could cost as much as £6 million, funded by the taxpayer. It represents an absolute waste of money.

Stakeholders have an alternative vision of the tunnel fulfilling a positive role in the District's future through its conversion to host a Bradford-Halifax Greenway, delivering social, economic and tourism benefits for generations to come.

We've produced this video to explain why it's an asset, not a liability.

But we cannot overcome the threat of abandonment on our own -
we need your support, now more than ever.


Object and comment

The best way you can help is to OBJECT to and comment on the planning application. In practical terms, this needn't take more than a couple of minutes - you don't have to write an essay. Comments can be submitted online and there's no requirement to register if you don't want to.

If you'd rather write a letter, you can post one to:

Planning Service,
4th Floor Britannia House
Hall Ings
Bradford BD1 1HX

Quote application number 19/02242/MAF.

Ideally, objections need to be based on valid planning issues; personal opinion - however well expressed - carries less weight, although it does send a very strong message if large numbers of people comment.


What should I say?

We believe the planning application should be rejected because abandonment of the tunnel conflicts with the objectives and policies set out in Bradford's Local Development Plan (LDP) which have been put in place to inform decision-making around planning and development. They cover issues such as:

  • reducing congestion and improving air quality
  • promoting cycling and walking
  • protecting and reusing heritage assets.

If you wanted to quote from the LDP, we have distilled relevant extracts onto this page . The key policies are highlighted in green boxes.

You could also comment on specific aspects of National Highways' plans. You might be concerned that they intend to:

  • let most of the tunnel collapse, including the section below the populated part of Queensbury
  • use inferior materials to support the ventilation shafts
  • manage the tunnel without any ability to inspect or maintain it
  • implement an abandonment scheme driven largely by budget constraints
  • put a considerable amount of extra traffic onto Queensbury's congested streets for 11 months, including 1,300 heavy goods vehicle movements
  • risk flooding and/or changes to the groundwater regime due to the absence of water management arrangements.
The loudest possible message will come from people objecting in large numbers. If you share the vision, please make your voice heard. And ask your family, friends and colleagues to comment too.
It's now or never in our battle to save Queensbury Tunnel.


Useful links

National Highways' planning application

View documents/plans relating to the abandonment application or make a comment on it.

Abandonment Q&A leaflet

A four-page leaflet answering key questions on Highways England's abandonment planning application.

The QTS objection

The Queensbury Tunnel Society's objection to Highways England's planning application.

Extracts from the Local Development Plan

A collection of relevant extracts from Bradford's Local Development Plan relating to the protection of heritage assets and the provision of cycling infrastructure, including policies which are intended to inform decision-making around planning and development.

How to respond to planning applications

An 8-step guide put together by the Campaign to Protect Rural England.

Comment on or object to a planning application

Bradford Council's guidance on how to comment and the issues that can be taken into account.

Martin Goodall's planning law blog
A useful blog giving advice on how to object effectively to a planning application.
Withdraw your 'Support'
If you have commented on the abandonment planning application but, in error, recorded your stance as 'Support', this page explains how to withdraw your support.



Minister blames landowner for tunnel difficulties

Tuesday 18 February 2025